Hash Define Electronics Podcast

Hash Define Electronics Podcast

Ronald Sousa @Opticalworm

This show is for anyone who is interested to hear and possibly learn from an embedded engineer turn contractor. Theme-wise, it's Embedded electronics with a bias to robotics and humour. **Warning, this show is essentially Ronald's logbook and just like anyone new to the world of logbooks, the ration between doodles and graph will eventually settle to a nice stable balance. Until then hang on for the ride because this might will be bumpy. Hosted by Ronald Sousa from Leeds, UK

Categorias: Tecnología

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In this episode Ronald (@opticalworm) talks about some of the issues you may have and how to you could better handle maintaining multiple version of the same firmware. Music bass_loop_13 by JaZzy JunGgle https://profiles.google.com/jun66le https://freesound.org/people/junggle/sounds/31674/

Episodios anteriores

  • 8 - #8 – Maintaining multiple version of the same firmware 
    Fri, 31 Mar 2017 - 0h
  • 7 - #7 – Antoher day in the office 
    Fri, 03 Feb 2017 - 0h
  • 6 - 6# – Captain’s log, stardate 0603~ish 
    Thu, 08 Dec 2016 - 0h
  • 5 - #5 – What scares me on Halloween? Patents! 
    Sun, 30 Oct 2016 - 0h
  • 4 - #4 – Are you sure this is an intro to image processing? 
    Fri, 14 Oct 2016 - 0h
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