CRM Audio

CRM Audio

George Doubinski

CRM Audio is a network of podcasts about Dynamics 365, Dynamics CRM, personal productivity, and Power BI hosted by Microsoft Business Solutions MVP's Joel Lindstrom, George Doubinski, Shawn Tabor, Mark Smith, and Scott Sewell and productivity expert Matthew C. Anderson. We are the original CRM MVP Podcast. Podcasts in the feed: CRM Audio - a roundtable discussion of all things CRM, including what's new, best practices, and answers to your CRM questions and Power BI. Power BI and More - Microsoft Business Solutions MVP Scott Sewell teaches you how to learn Power BI and effectively use it with Dynamics 365. Prodcast - All about personal productivity. We get deep into productivity and cut through the hype around productivity tools, and tell you what's not productive.

Categorias: Tecnología

Escuchar el último episodio:

CRM Audio: Wave 1 2024: Deprecation not depressionIn this episode, George and Nick dive into the latest updates for Power Pages in the first half of 2024. They discuss new features, enhancements, and important deprecations, providing insights into how these changes impact users and developers. From generative AI integrations and improved file upload capabilities to crucial security updates and professional developer tools, this episode covers everything you need to know about the upcoming Power Pages release.

Plus, they share their thoughts on the future of Power Pages and what they hope to see next. Tune in for an informative and engaging discussion on the evolving landscape of Power Pages.


Cover image by DALL-E (inspired by terrible prompts)

References Get in touch

Episodios anteriores

  • 580 - Wave 1 2024: Deprecation is not a reason for depression 
    Fri, 17 May 2024 - 0h
  • 579 - Back to School or What's New Wave 2 2023 
    Thu, 16 Nov 2023 - 0h
  • 578 - Payments in Power Pages or Show Me The Money 
    Thu, 24 Aug 2023 - 0h
  • 577 - The Hunt for Script October or Where TF Did You Put That Script 
    Tue, 27 Jun 2023 - 0h
  • 576 - Life As a Template 
    Tue, 18 Apr 2023 - 0h
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