CCP - The Caleb & Cathy Podcast

CCP - The Caleb & Cathy Podcast


Welcome to CCP! Join Cathy & Caleb as we discuss indie movies and rank the ones we've seen every Sunday. @CalebCathyPod on Twitter @CCPMusic on Spotify

Categorias: Cine y TV

Escuchar el último episodio:

This week we discussed the documentary, Baby God. We talked about how Dr. Fortier used unethical practices to get women pregnant and the effect this had on both the mothers and their children. We also spent a good amount of time comparing notes on the book, The Library Book in our book nook segment. All in all, opinions were shared and quality conversation ensued.

Episodios anteriores

  • 106 - Episode 105: Baby Fraud (Baby God) 
    Mon, 22 Feb 2021
  • 105 - Episode 104: American Factory 
    Sun, 07 Feb 2021
  • 104 - Episode 103: Two Goliaths (Mann v Ford) 
    Sun, 24 Jan 2021
  • 103 - Episode 102: Representation Matters (Disclosure) 
    Sun, 10 Jan 2021
  • 102 - Episode 101: Top 10 Albums of 2020 (No Music Edition) 
    Sun, 03 Jan 2021
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